• Andy_Urb Senior MemberАвтор темы
    Andy_Urb Senior Member Автор темы


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    # 3 мая 2004 16:50

    Помогите подружить Kerio WinRoute Firewall 5.1.10 и eMule v0.42f.

    Не получается настроить нормальное сосуществование - при конекте мула получаю Low ID - как добиться Hi ID?

  • Zlo FBY Team
    Zlo FBY Team


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    # 3 мая 2004 23:20

    Andy_Urb, насколько я знаю hi ID можно получить только имея коннект не ниже ADSL

    хотя енто все имхо...

    It's good to be bad. [b][url=http://forum.onliner.by/viewtopic.php?t=731831]Лечим коров от бешенства![/url][/b]
  • Andy_Urb Senior MemberАвтор темы
    Andy_Urb Senior Member Автор темы


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    # 4 мая 2004 09:35

    У меня и есть ADSL - только керио порт рубит а я не знаю как его открыть.

  • Redline Member
    Redline Member


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    # 4 мая 2004 10:18


    Читай в хелпе к емулу. Нужно открыть несколько портов на WinRoute'e А от скорости Id никак не зависит. У меня как-то на 14400 модеме HighID был. Извращение конечно...

    код выделить все
    Router information, if you are using a router, Read this!
    Basic information:
    A router also functions as a firewall. With this knowledge, he following information will be a lot clearer.

    A router mostly uses a NAT protocol, this protocol manages connections for each computer in the network.
    When Computer 1 would connect to port 80 to a website, it usually uses port 80, but since Computer 2 on the network wants to connect to port 80 sometimes aswell they would bump into each other. And that is where the NAT Protocol comes in, it handles the connections. But because of this the outside port is always different. Since the router just picks a random port.
    For websites and alike like that this is no problem, because you are the first to make a connection to them, and the website remembers the used port, so it knows to what port it must send it's packets(data) back for you to receive it.

    Now comes eMule(Plus). eMule requires some different connections, a lot of clients connect from the outside to you without your router expecting it, so the router does not know to what computer on the network to send the packets and why they are coming, so it just ignores them.

    But, there is a solution for this, it's called port mapping. It tells the router to send all packets received on a selected port to a certain computer inside the network. This can be handled inside the router.

    The normal case is a web interface, read the router manual for information about how to reach it.

    The ports need to be set in the router, But! there are a lot of different routers.

    Some make a difference between outgoing and incoming connections and others just say outgoing is the same as incoming, so it has only one way to set it up. The incoming and outgoing difference is mostly only done within real firewalls. That means that most routers do not know this setting! Most routers just say incoming and outgoing connections are the same.

    If you also have a setting (which is very rare!) for remote ports then set all ports to Any (this just tells the router from which port on the other computer it should expect the connections, this is not always the same, some users use other ports than the default.)

    One minor last thingy, there are 2 different types of connections, TCP and UDP, Look closely at what type of port it is, because setting an UDP port to a TCP port is NOT good and will not allow eMule to connect properly.

    Anyway, here are the ports:
    4662 TCP Incoming and Outgoing (connections to/from other clients)
    4672 UDP Incoming and Outgoing (exchanging sources and extended eMule protocol)

    The following ports are only Outgoing connections in case you need them, if there are no settings for outgoing connections then just ignore these.
    4661 TCP (server connection port)
    4665 UDP (ask for sources on server)

    And we have the webserver, if you want to be reachable from the outside world with your webserver you also have to forward a port for this (port forwarding is another word for port mapping).
    The default port is 4711, but this can be customized in the webserver menu just like the other ports can be customized in the connections tab. Remember, when changing a port in the preferences menu of eMule also change the ports on your router!

  • Andy_Urb Senior MemberАвтор темы
    Andy_Urb Senior Member Автор темы


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    # 4 мая 2004 10:55

    Вопрос не в том ЧТО нужно сделать - а КАК это сделать в Kerio WinRoute Firewall 5.1.10

  • -indigo- Senior Member
    -indigo- Senior Member


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    # 23 июля 2004 06:39

    Аналогичная проблема - adsl, скорость download 256К/сек, upload - 32К/сек. Фаревал настроен на полное разрешение всех действий для eMule (Outpost)

    А официально от чего засивит LowID? Количество расшаренных файлов влияет?

  • Andy_Urb Senior MemberАвтор темы
    Andy_Urb Senior Member Автор темы


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    # 27 июля 2004 03:25 Редактировалось Andy_Urb, 1 раз.

    Все ответы есть на форуме http://www.emule-rus.net

  • Lonewolf Onliner Auto Club
    Lonewolf Onliner Auto Club


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    # 28 июля 2004 18:43


    А официально от чего засивит LowID?

    Частенько от провайдера зависит... :(

    VW Touareg 3.6 FSI
  • -indigo- Senior Member
    -indigo- Senior Member


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    # 28 июля 2004 20:06

    После плясок с бубном с трудом добился HighID... download ожил... аж 5-8К/сек :( :lol:

  • Неизвестный кот Senior Member
    Неизвестный кот Senior Member


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    # 13 сентября 2007 08:27

    Друзья-товарищи! Как открыть необходимые порты для High ID в модеме Siemens C-010.

    Где там что делать - непонятно.

    В Зухеле NAT, Sua Only - и там в окошки прописываешь порты и вуаля.

    А тут что-то не понял.

  • tred Senior Member
    tred Senior Member


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    # 13 сентября 2007 09:00

    Unregistered, в "настройке ADSL-модемов" лучше спросите. больше шансов.