Манула, я в смысле можно ли везти к примеру нафтизин пару упаковок или не разрешат?
Если каждая ёмкость не превышает 100 мл - можно. На сайтах авиакомпаний всё это очень подробно описано. Лекарства в пакет помещать не обязательно. Однако будьте готовы их предъявить при досмотре.
Вот с сайта RayanAir
Carriage of liquids in cabin baggage
When passing through airport security screening:
Liquids carried must be in a container of no more than 100ml (3.4 ounces).
All liquids should be carried in a single, transparent, re-sealable plastic bag of up to 20cm x 20cm with a total capacity of up to a litre
You must be able to completely close the bag and be able to fit it in your hand baggage.
The bag of liquids must be taken out of other hand baggage to be screened separately.
Liquid medicines
You are allowed to carry liquid medicine as required for your trip. The medicine does not need to fit in the transparent bag but you should have it ready for inspection by airport security.
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