подскажите по мокрым гидрикам.
один вейкер утверждает, что покупать надо только модели этого сезона, тк даже в новых костюмах резина со временем дубеет и живет лишь года 2.
в онлайн магазе мне написали что
Hi there,
I'm thinking of buying surf/wake wetsuit.
I've heard that rubber stiffens over the time even if the suit is new and stored properly, so that's there's the point of buying only current year models.
Could you confirm if that's true and whether i could determine production date of the suit.
I haven't heard of that happening with wetsuits. The only way I can think of that happening is if you used it in salt water and didn't rinse it out after use.
I asked around and my co-workers agreed with me as well, so I don't think you necessarily have to worry about that with a new wetsuit.
Let me know if you have any other questions!