Друзья шопоголики, особенно любители он-лайн магазинов дальнего зарубежья!
Думаю многие уже в курсе, что горячо любимый многими беларусами британский магазин M&S (Marks and Spencer) решил сделать хорошо своим клиентам и перешел на перевозчика DHL Express ((( что в нашей стране означает одно - аэропорт и растаможка по полной.
На разных ресурсах собираем подписи под письмецом руководству о пересмотре сего контракта. Шансов не много, но попытаться стоит. Это уже второе письмо, первое собрало около 1000 подписей на семействе, диве, ребенке и секонде.
Окажите содействие, если вы клиент магазина ))
требуется всего имя и фамилия латиницей того, кто оформлял заказы и тех на кого заказы оформлялись, так как они ж тоже клиенты. ТОЛЬКО в ЛИЧКУ присылаем свои имя и фамилию латиницей
Всем неравнодушным огромное спасибо! ну и плюсик для поднятия темки не помешает - собираем до понедельника 11-го!
Executive Director, Multi-channel E-commerce
Dear Laura Wade-Gery,
For many years M&S has been extremely popular with Belarusians. People were choosing it for the high quality customer-oriented service and straightforward delivery process, which made it very competitive with other stores shipping to Belarus. The number of customers using your online service was growing rapidly due to word of mouth. As it was reported in the media, more than 3 million visitors a week are visiting the M&S website, an 18% growth in traffic compared to last year. Belarusian customers made a significant contribution to this achievement.
Your policy clearly stated: "... we want more of our customers to shop with us across more of our channels. To achieve this we will create new, inspirational opportunities to engage with M&S and deliver an even better customer experience. We will continue to provide more customers around the world with access to M&S products, as we grow our international e-commerce offer."
Your recent decision to change the approved M&S delivery agent for Belarus goes against this policy and will have an adverse effect. You are in danger of losing all your Belarusian online customers. This is because DHL Express:
- does not provide proper door-to-door service in Belarus and involves a customer’s run to the airport
- customers are charged 30 % on top of value of the orders for DHL Express deliveries.
You have announced an ambitious plan: "Help one million customers to develop personal sustainability goals using a range of online channels by 2015 and three million by 2020." Chief executive Mark Bolland said he planned to “develop M&S into an international multi-channel retailer, making the M&S brand more accessible to more customers around the world”. We want to help you achieve this goal and to remain your loyal customers. What we ask is that you retain an option of standard delivery (other than DHL Express) to Belarus.
Your policy states, “listening, learning, responding and working in partnership is an important part of how we do business”. We hope that you do listen to your loyal Belarusian customers.
Yours sincerely,