  • Violator Neophyte PosterАвтор темы
    Violator Neophyte Poster Автор темы


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    # 16 февраля 2004 22:58

    I’d been seriously studying English language for two years before I decided to relax. Then abut a year I felt overcharged and almost gave up extending language knowledge. Suddenly I realized that it becomes very difficult task for me to express my thoughts and ideas. I was badly upset. Years of accumulation of language knowledge turned out to be only a waste of time, energy and money…

    The reason is evident – Russian surroundings can’t give us necessary amount of information to save English way of thinking. My great teacher always recommended me to read a lot, watch TV and so on. It’s true but can I find more captivating way to serve my English mind with expected information? I believe it exists. It seems to me that it is live conversation.

    If you find such a situation similarly and our aim is to improve your English, please join me. I guess only grammatical base and live contacts/relations are able to raise any forgotten language material. I’ll be glad to share my experience and find you more educated than me. Native English speakers are welcomed to. If you have just read this reflection reply me to eng_lang@[censored] , please do. I hope your good company will introduce a fresh concepts, views and materials.

    P. S. Try to reply on English.

    Yours sincerely, Alex_K.

  • CJIOH WebDesign
    CJIOH WebDesign


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    # 16 февраля 2004 23:34

    please be more specific, in case of Ad you will be punished! :wink:

  • Rico Senior Member
    Rico Senior Member


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    # 16 февраля 2004 23:42

    How about some sort of English language Onliner Club, dear administration? Will that be considered appropriate?

    Violator, you can talk to me if you want. It's not that I am the worlds best English speaker but we can surely try.

    ...And for some reason I don't feel like writing to that address you've left. Maybe the reason is somewhat related to the suspicions stated above :)

    Туплюшевый мишко 6691920(vel); 2506979(мтс);
  • Rain Senior Member
    Rain Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 00:50

    Well, I remember I had the simular situation about...Let's say more than 7 years ago when I was younger than today. :shuffle:

    It might be a rather challenging task to find a native speaker in Minsk, especially...Sorry, I've forgotten, we must keep any discussion out of political topis.

    The best option in your case is to make an attempt to contact some guys, which are involved in church service for different "western" worshippers. In my case it was the church "The church of last day saints" or Marmons. I've got some practise with them.

    But..But.. The best option to get a native english speaker girlfriend. You must not try to have a date with her, only because she's an american or whatever.. But if you're lucky to get such girlfriend, then believe me, you won't need to think anymore of your English skills.. Untill you will have to write a technical document in English. Then you will understand that the ability to speak good english does not authomatically mean the ability to write "good" english.


    I’d been seriously studying English language for two years before I decided to relax. Then abut a year I felt overcharged and almost gave up extending language knowledge. Suddenly I realized that it becomes very difficult task for me to express my thoughts and ideas. I was badly upset. Years of accumulation of language knowledge turned out to be only a waste of time, energy and money…

    The reason is evident – Russian surroundings can’t give us necessary amount of information to save English way of thinking. My great teacher always recommended me to read a lot, watch TV and so on. It’s true but can I find more captivating way to serve my English mind with expected information? I believe it exists. It seems to me that it is live conversation.

    If you find such a situation similarly and our aim is to improve your English, please join me. I guess only grammatical base and live contacts/relations are able to raise any forgotten language material. I’ll be glad to share my experience and find you more educated than me. Native English speakers are welcomed to. If you have just read this reflection reply me to eng_lang@[censored] , please do. I hope your good company will introduce a fresh concepts, views and materials.

    P. S. Try to reply on English.

    Yours sincerely, Alex_K.

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  • plazma Senior Member
    plazma Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 09:11

    London is the capital of GB :wink:

  • Rico Senior Member
    Rico Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 12:20

    The best option in your case is to make an attempt to contact some guys, which are involved in church service for different "western" worshippers. In my case it was the church "The church of last day saints" or Marmons. I've got some practise with them.

    But..But.. The best option to get a native english speaker girlfriend.

    :) By the way, there is a small group of people coming to Minsk from the States in April, if everything works out, 5 girls and a guy. They are not mormons, not any other religious organization of the sort, but they are going to teach English through the Bible. Needless to say, free. So, Violator, you are welcome to come and communnicate... as well as anybody else who is interested. I will keep you updated on that. :wink:

    Туплюшевый мишко 6691920(vel); 2506979(мтс);
  • XdG Senior Member
    XdG Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 12:32

    Violator, The center of american english should help u.

    2all: For some reason I'm absolutely sure about the spamming nature of the origin of this thread. Are u?

  • taralex Senior Member
    taralex Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 12:54

    XdG, yep, smells spam... i'd not write to the given address..

    though the guy may be as well absolutely sincere ...

    Хіба лихо озме литвина, щоб він не дзекнув
  • ALESHKA17 Onliner Content Team
    ALESHKA17 Onliner Content Team


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    # 17 февраля 2004 13:08

    Guys, your English is wonderful IMHO:super:

  • 14432 Паяльник & Отвертка TEAM
    14432 Паяльник & Отвертка TEAM


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    # 17 февраля 2004 13:32

    The best option in your case is to make an attempt to contact some guys, which are involved in church service for different "western" worshippers. In my case it was the church "The church of last day saints" or Marmons. I've got some practise with them.

    Sorry my deviating from the subject, but please, NEVER do go to any sect even for English sreakers. Couse it's scary

    "Мама, отвезите меня в сумасшедший дом: я сумасшедший! Я все еще верю в любовь, верю в дружбу, в честность..."
  • Rain Senior Member
    Rain Senior Member


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    # 17 февраля 2004 19:39

    Why not? Why some people are so afraid of anything, that is different from the way they've got to see things? Why most people are not afraid of so called "popular doctors", but can not accept the fact that Orthadox way of believing in God is not the only one?



    The best option in your case is to make an attempt to contact some guys, which are involved in church service for different "western" worshippers. In my case it was the church "The church of last day saints" or Marmons. I've got some practise with them.

    Sorry my deviating from the subject, but please, NEVER do go to any sect even for English sreakers. Couse it's scary

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  • 9779 Junior Member
    9779 Junior Member


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    # 18 февраля 2004 11:25

    :) By the way, there is a small group of people coming to Minsk from the States in April, if everything works out, 5 girls and a guy. They are not mormons, not any other religious organization of the sort, but they are going to teach English through the Bible. Needless to say, free. So, Violator, you are welcome to come and communnicate... as well as anybody else who is interested. I will keep you updated on that. :wink: A guy? :) I'll come. Definitely.

  • 14432 Паяльник & Отвертка TEAM
    14432 Паяльник & Отвертка TEAM


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    # 18 февраля 2004 11:37

    Rain, do u want me to give u something to read about Mormons? Do u want to learn some facts about their history? their guru Joseph Smith? This is one of the pseudo-christian totalitarian sect. Do u know the subject of their religion well to discuss about that?

    "Мама, отвезите меня в сумасшедший дом: я сумасшедший! Я все еще верю в любовь, верю в дружбу, в честность..."
  • Wind Senior Member
    Wind Senior Member


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    # 18 февраля 2004 12:17

    Violator, I have the same situation and intention, but I'm sure that's easier and more efficient to find someone in your family/at work/friends etc. Lack of time is the common case. So it's better to combine work/relax with training of speaking skills.

    Reading originals aloud would be helpful too :super:

    Если ты задаешь вопрос, значит ты уже знаешь половину ответа.
  • bambuk Senior Member
    bambuk Senior Member


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    # 18 февраля 2004 13:11

    Consider using MSN voice phone as a perfect way to communicate with as many native English persons as you wish :beer:

    счастливый параноик [img]http://fool.exler.ru/sm/kos.gif[/img]
  • Violator Neophyte PosterАвтор темы
    Violator Neophyte Poster Автор темы


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    # 18 февраля 2004 23:49

    First of all, everybody who has replied – thanks a lot!

    I was surprised that my new e-mail address distrusts you. There is nothing special with it. I didn’t want to leave my real mail because of spammers, so I created new one. The name is really incorrect. But I haven’t received any message; native spammers must have scared too :). Don’t mind, please, write me if you have something to tell me according to our situation. Otherwise, notify me about your coordinates.


    How about some sort of English language Onliner Club, dear administration? Will that be considered appropriate?

    2 Rico

    It is a great idea to create English language Onliner Club! I feel there are a lot of people suffering from being shot of English communication in Russian surrounding.

    Starting with internet messaging we ought to turn our attention to live dialogue. It turns out to be an excellent arrangement! Let’s make it up.

    Suddenly, I don’t welcome any religious fanaticism but let me know if small group of people will come to Minsk from the States in April. OK?


    The best option to get a native english speaker girlfriend.

    2 Rain

    It’ll be nice to find girlfriend as English native speaker. Great statement, but it sounds impossible in our country. Am I right?

    I'm sure that's easier and more efficient to find someone in your family/at work/friends etc.

    2 Wind

    There is no way to improve my language being at home/office. I tried but many people gave up. They finally said that there were a lot of things to do and so forth.

    2 All

    How do you think is it possible to gather a company/team interested in studding English language together to everybody's delight?

    Yours sincerely, Alex_K.

  • Iгар Senior Member
    Iгар Senior Member


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    # 18 февраля 2004 23:59

    Violator, йес, ит'с пасэбл.

    [переведено с латиницы на кириллицу с помощью транслита]

    . . .
  • Rain Senior Member
    Rain Senior Member


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    # 19 февраля 2004 22:06

    Everything is possible ;) But be more creative. You have Internet, what do you need more? On ICQ you can meet a plenty of interesting girls. But don't try to have an english language girlfriend only because having english language girlfriend. Nothing irritates more than that. Simply try to find persons, who shares some of your interests. Even writing communication helps a lot.


    2 Rain

    It’ll be nice to find girlfriend as English native speaker. Great statement, but it sounds impossible in our country. Am I right?

    Yours sincerely, Alex_K.

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  • madcourier Senior Member
    madcourier Senior Member


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    # 23 февраля 2004 14:57

    Violator, by the way, there was such a forum at [censored] portal, and, as far as I remember, people there started regular online meetings. So, if they hadn't given up, try to find that forum & join'em.

    And I have seriously doubts about posting here - most of the people in BY have quite good written English, but as for speaking one - it is near to zero due to lack of practice. So, you can hardly find somebody with exellent speaking skills - even if you manage to create a team, you'll have to improve your language altogether.

    Для своих - с тройным наваром.Заклинания и молитвы работают только у тех, кто живет лицензионную версию жизни. (c)
  • Yury Senior Member
    Yury Senior Member


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    # 25 февраля 2004 00:30

    Guys, your English is wonderful IMHO:super:

    Trust me, it's not... ;)

    There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, those who don't, and those who start counting at zero.