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Each month, January-May, 2021, the CTIS was offered to a random sample, stratified by geographic region, of ≈100 million US residents from the Facebook Active User Base who used one of the supported languages (English [American and British], Spanish [Spain and Latin American], French, Brazilian Portuguese, Vietnamese, and simplified Chinese). The offer to participate was shown with a survey link at the top of users’ Facebook News Feed, from once a month to once every six months, depending on their geographic strata, with the intent to yield ≈1.1 million responders monthly, to allow for evaluation of local trends. When individuals clicked through the link, an anonymized unique identifier was generated. CMU returned the unique IDs to Facebook, which created weights that account for the sampling design and non-response; these weights were then post-stratified to match the US general population by age, gender, and state [14, 15]. The design ensured CMU researchers did not see user names or profile information, and Facebook did not see survey microdata. The CMU Institutional Review Board approved the survey protocol and instrument (STUDY2020_00000162).
The same version of the vaccine uptake and intent questions were offered to all potential CTIS respondents from January 6 to May, 19, 2021, and to approximately 15% of potential respondents from May 20–31. This study is limited to responses from these offers (5,485,862 of 476,648,117; response rate 1.2%). Respondents who did not complete the questions on vaccine uptake and intent (N = 365,426), or reported gender as, “prefer to self-describe,” (N = 31,664), were excluded, resulting in a sample of 5,088,772; self-described gender (selected by <1% of responders) had a high prevalence of discriminatory descriptions and uncommon responses (e.g., Hispanic ethnicity [41.4%], the oldest age group [23.2% ≥75 years] and highest education level [28.1% Doctorate]), suggesting the survey was not completed in good faith. A sensitivity analysis was conducted including all gender responses.
Data Availability: Survey microdata is not publicly available because survey participants only consented to public disclosure of aggregate data, and because the legal agreement with Facebook governing operation of the survey prohibits disclosure of microdata without confidentiality protections for respondents. The microdata is available to researchers under a nondisclosure agreement permitting research uses. Access can be requested at https://cmu-delphi.github.io/delphi-epidata/symptom-survey/. Requests are reviewed by the Carnegie Mellon University Office of Sponsored Programs and Facebook Data for Good. The R code for the analyses in this paper can be found at: https://github.com/mrubinst757/Vaccine-Hesitancy-Trends.