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Norway wonders if it should have been more like Sweden
Соседка Швеции, вторая просвещенная и обеспеченная страна, которая вызывает уважение.
Премьер-министр Норвегии сделала заявление:
Was it necessary to close schools?" she mused. "Perhaps not. I probably took many of the decisions out of fear," she admitted, reminding viewers of the terrifying images then flooding their screens from Italy"
Норвегия прекрасно справилась с первой волной, тем не менее:
But this success has come at a prohibitive social and economic cost. An expert committee charged with carrying out a cost-benefit analysis into the lockdown measures in April estimated that they had together cost Norway 27bn kroner (£2.3) every month. With only 0.7 per cent of Norwegians infected, according to NIPH estimates, there is almost no immunity in the population.
The expert committee concluded last Friday that the country should avoid lockdown if there is a second wave of infections.
"We recommend a much lighter approach," the committee's head, Steinar Holden, an Oslo University economics professor, told the Sunday Telegraph. "We should start with measures at an individual level -- which is what we have now -- and if there’s a second wave, we should have measures in the local area where this occurs, and avoid measures at a national level if that is possible."
Даже ученые согласны, что существенно перебрали с методами.
Даже гуманные и обеспеченные самым большим фондом благосостояния в мире, больше чем саудиты и другие арабы, норвежцы считают сначала расходы, а потом уже смерти:
"If it’s necessary to have very strict restrictions for a long time, then the costs are higher than letting the infection go through the population," Holden told the Telegraph. "Because that would be immensely costly."
According to the report, a brake strategy would cost as much as 234bn kroner (£20bn) less than an "unstable keep-down" scenario, if you assume that those infected gain immunity and that no vaccine is developed until 2023. But it would also lead to a little over 3,000 additional deaths.
Обучение в школах могло даже позитивно сыграть, а вот закрытие все равно имело негативные стороны даже в плане эпидемологии, опять же говорит об этом не политик, а врач-ученый:
Margrethe Greve-Isdahl, the doctor who is NIPH's expert on infections in schools, told the Telegraph that if schools hadn't been closed, they could have played a role in informing people in immigrant communities - which were hit disproportionately hard by the epidemic - of hygiene and social distancing rules.
"They can learn these measures in school and teach their parents and grandparents, so at least for some of these hard-to-reach minorities, there might be a positive effect from keeping kids in school."
There were also fears in late March and April that adolescents were spreading the virus more out of schools than they would have been in them. "There were large groups of adolescents that were hanging out together and not necessarily following any preventive measures," Greve-Isdahl said.
Вот. Как-то так.