Ну и мои:
1. AdblockPlusElementHidingHelper{1.0.6}.xpi -- Helps you create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus to fight the text ads.
2. AdblockPlus{1.2.2}.xpi -- Ads were yesterday!
3. All-in-OneGestures{0.21.1}.xpi -- This extension allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling.
4. DownloadHelper{4.8}.xpi -- Download videos and images from many sites
5. DownloadStatusbar{}.xpi -- View and manage downloads from a tidy statusbar
6. ExtendedStatusbar{1.5.6}.xpi -- A Statusbar with speed, percentage, time and loaded size (similar to Opera's one)
7. FEBE{}.xpi -- Backup your Firefox data
8. FireShot{0.85}.xpi -- Adds the ability to take a screenshot of the page, edit it and save, copy to clipboard, send to external editor or e-mail it.
9. FirefoxThrottle{1.1.6}.xpi -- Bandwidth utilization throttling plugin for Firefox (Windows).
10. Flagfox{4.0.9}.xpi -- Displays a flag depicting the location of the current server
11. FlashGot{}.xpi -- Enables Firefox, Mozilla Suite, Netscape and Thunderbird to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (dozens currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".
12. ForecastfoxWeather{2.0.2}.xpi -- Display international weather forecasts from AccuWeather.com in an easily readable format.
13. GoogleTranslatorforFirefox{1.0.5}.xpi -- Translate the selected text with Google Translator
14. Onliner.Byhelper{3.17.r239}.xpi -- Расширяет возможности phpBB форума
15. RadioOnline.FM{0.2.6}.xpi -- Extension for listening internet-radio Online.FM
16. TabMixPlus{}.xpi -- Tab browsing with an added boost.
17. TextLink{3.1.2009110201}.xpi -- Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.
18. TinEyeReverseImageSearch{1.0}.xpi -- Adds TinEye search context menu item for images.
19. gTranslate{0.8}.xpi -- Translates the selected text via Google Translate.