Про замену элекролитов можно почитать:
First of all, the electrolytic capacitors are 35 years old. Original components are good quality Elna capacitors. The manufacturer guarantee 1000 up to 2000 hours of work at the rated temperature (at 85°C). Aluminum electrolytic capacitor is the shortest life parts in power supplies. This component is the most important parts in terms of reliabilty. Expected lifetime of power supplies can be estimated by calculating the estimation of expected lifetime of aluminum electrolytic capacitor. Expected lifetime of aluminum electrolytic capacitor is determined by amount of excess electorlyte, speed of electrolyte evaporating through sealed rubber and temperature that determines the evaporating speed. The relationship between ambient temperature and capacitor life has been confirmed to follow ARRHENIUS’ equation:
Expected lifetime of Electrolytic Capacitor:
L = Lo x 2^(T1-T2) / 10 ,
Lo : Lifetime Under Maximum Rated Operating Temperature (Hr)
T1 : Allowable Maximum Temperature (°C)
T2 : Capacitor Temperature on operation (°C)
In other words, life of aluminum electrolytic capacitor is temperature dependant and it is doubled when ambient temperature is 10°C lower, based on Arrhenius’s Law. Life expectancy is determined by a coefficient depending on temperature, based on Lo. Detailed explanation can be found in the technical note of Rubycon Corporatin: CapLife
Lets make a simple calculation. If the capacitor is used in temperature of 25 degree its life will extend with a ratio of 64. It is about 128’000 hours for a rated cap of 2000Hr at 85°C. Is is about 15 years. That is why I always recommend to replace all of the Electrolytic Capacitors in the equipment older than 20 years. So I ordered the proper caps from Mouser – the power caps I use are Panasonic FC type and the signal caps are based on Elna Silmic II. Noticed that several biggest manufacturers of audio equipment (like MBL high-end audio and Accuphase Laboratory Inc) use the same type of capacitors in their designs and products. I also decided to replace some critical caps with bipolar depend on the circuit. In this article will be explained the oversize and the critical part replacement for every component in the machine.
Взято отсюда:
http://lab2104.tu-plovdiv.bg/index.php/2018/07/22/tandberg-3014a- ... d-rebuild/